Teaching Archives

GodSpeak: Advent 2018 – “Hope”

GodSpeak for the First Week of Advent During Advent 2018, we will focus on the themes of the Advent candles. The first candle represents Hope. As you read the passages this week, take note each time you see the word “hope.” Ask the following questions: How does the Bible define or describe hope? What do … Read more

GodSpeak: “Giving and Thanksgiving”

GodSpeak for the Week of November 25 Giving and Thanksgiving   Day 1… Read 1 Chronicles 29:1-9. What was King David calling the people of Israel to do? What example did he set? What was the people’s response? Day 2… Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 and Luke 12:33-34. What should our attitude be toward giving to … Read more

GodSpeak: Thanksgiving Week – “Give Thanks to the Lord”

GodSpeak for the Week of November 18 “Give Thanks to the Lord” On this Thanksgiving week, read through and meditate upon Psalm 107. Note the recurring exhortation to “give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.” What wonderful deeds are described in this psalm? What wonderful deeds has … Read more

GodSpeak: Missed Links – “It’s Not Fair!”

GodSpeak for the Week of November 11 “It’s Not FAIR!” This week we take a one Sunday excursion back to our “Missed Links” sermon series, looking at a famous story that does not appear in the three-year Lectionary – the story of Jonah and Nineveh.  Day 1…Read Jonah 3:10 Consider this – the Ninevites had … Read more

GodSpeak: For All the Saints

GodSpeak for the Week of November 4, 2018 “For ALL the Saints (Not Just Some of Them) – a Lutheran Understanding”   These past seven days have been bracketed by Reformation Sunday last week (with Reformation Day having been October 31) and All Saints Sunday today (with All Saints Day having been November 1). A … Read more

GodSpeak: By the (Good) Book – What I Have Observed to Be Good

GodSpeak for the Week of October 21 “What I Have Observed to Be Good”   This week for your daily readings and meditations, read through our Lectionary lessons from today’s worship service: Ecclesiastes 5:1-20, Hebrews 4:1-13, and Mark 10:23-31.   In Ecclesiastes 5:1-20, what is God teaching us about wealth? What is described as meaningless, … Read more