Who is this Jesus? – He is Baptized (GodSpeak Readings Jan 4-9)

Who is this Jesus? – He is Baptized

Who is Jesus?  There are a lot of answers to that question.  During this series, we will let Jesus answer that question for us as we look at a number of significant moments in his ministry.
We begin by seeing that Jesus is baptized.

Daily Prayer: Dear God, thank you for washing me in baptism, making me a child of the Father, receiving forgiveness through the blood of Jesus and giving me a Spirit that is set apart.  Amen.

Monday, January 4
Read Luke 3:15-22How does John distinguish himself from the one who is coming?  What is different about Jesus’ baptism from the kind of baptism John was administering?

Tuesday, January 5
Read Isaiah 43What kinds of life events is Isaiah referencing when he talks about passing through waters and walking through fire?  What is the assurance we receive about God’s disposition toward us?  How is this symbolism like our baptism, passing through water?

Wednesday, January 6
Read Psalm 2At Jesus’ baptism he hears from above that he is the beloved Son of the Father.  Given what we read in Psalm 2, what comes along with that declaration?  Who is Jesus if he is the Son of God?

Thursday, January 7
Read Luke 11:1-13Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray to the Father.  What does it mean for us to be children of the same Father as Jesus?  What is different about us since the Father has also given us his Holy Spirit?

Friday, January 8
Read Luke 2:1-20The voice from above at Jesus’ baptism said that He was “pleased” with Jesus.  If Jesus’ baptism is a foreshadowing of our baptism, how is God “pleased” with us?  How might the angels also be foreshadowing the same truth at Jesus’ birth?

Saturday, January 9
Read Luke 24The dove that came upon Jesus is a symbol of peace.  The angels at Jesus birth declared peace.  When does Jesus wish peace upon his disciples?  How do we have peace with God and each other?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN    –   bethelstpaul.com


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