The Proper Response to God’s Calling and Revelation – 1 Samuel 3

In 1 Samuel 3 we are told the story of the Lord’s calling of Samuel. Samuel, a young boy, ministered before the Lord under Eli. He had never heard the Lord’s voice before. One night the Lord called Samuel and thinking that it was Eli, the boy went to him and asked him what he wanted. Confused, Eli informed him that he did not call him. This happens a few times before Eli realizes that it is the Lord calling Samuel.  He tells Samuel to respond to God the next time he hears His voice.

Eli tells Samuel to say “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” The first time I read this passage I was struck at what a perfect response this was to the Lord God. What if we all approached God and His Word on a daily basis and said “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”? What if we realized that it is by God’s spoken word that we were created? What if we lived the truth that it is by God’s word that we are sustained? Try this some time. The next time you sit down to read GodSpeak, before starting, say to God “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening”. What an approach to God’s Word!

But this story isn’t over yet. God does speak to Samuel. In fact, God tells him of coming judgement against Eli. Samuel was frightened to share the revelation from God. Eli tells Samuel that he must share with him what God had told him. After Samuel tells Eli everything that God had said about the coming judgement, Eli responds by saying “He is the Lord; let him do what is good in his eyes.” This response from Eli struck me as well. Eli’s response is one of humility. Eli doesn’t try to change what God said or get angry with it, but rather he accepts it because he recognizes that God is God and he is not.

We can all learn from Eli’s responses to God’s calling and revelation.

Lord, help us to hear your voice. You have given us your Word so that we might know your will. Help us to listen to it and know that you are the Creator and we are the creation. Thank you for revealing your love to us Lord. Amen.

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