
The mission of Bethel Lutheran Church is to “make disciples for Jesus Christ in our church, neighborhood and world.” How? God speaks! He speaks TO US in His word. We need to listen, learn, and follow Jesus. He also speaks THROUGH US. What we hear we put into practice and God speaks through us to others. That’s not casual church membership! That’s why we developed GodSpeak, an integrated discipleship process that’s always happening at Bethel Lutheran Church.



God speaks to you through His word, the Bible. So, 6 days a week, Bethel is reading the Bible… together… wherever we are. Take a look at our GodSpeak Readings. You can even listen online. He who has an ear, let him hear! [/one_half] [one_half_last]


Every Sunday, our worship of God is based on the previous week’s Bible readings. If you’ve been following along, it’s a great way to transform your Bible reading into God worship. Watch a sermon online! [/one_half_last] [one_half]


We’re all at different places as we mature as Jesus’ disciples. God puts us together so we can disciple one another, pray together, and do life together. That’s why we encourage everyone at Bethel to join a GodSpeak Group. These groups let us meet as disciples and discuss God’s word in a safe environment. There, God can speak through you to other Christians in preparation for Him to speak through you to those who don’t believe. [/one_half] [one_half_last]

We’re in it TOGETHER

We believe the whole church should be about discipleship. That’s why we integrated GodSpeak into our entire church. The people of Bethel have more in common than just being card-carrying members of the same church. We’re reading the Bible together. We’re discussing the Bible together. We’re worshiping God together. We have discipleship in common. [/one_half_last]


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