
God’s Perfect Will

When we are healthy, we easily become busy and we preoccupy ourselves with the things of the world, and end up forgetting our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. But  when  suffering or illness  put  us aside, then we have time to reflect on God the Almighty. Most of all, we have time to examine our … Read more

Rummage Sale

Sale Dates and Times Pre-Sale: Thursday, June 16th 6pm-8pm ($3 admission fee) Friday, June 17th 9am-6pm Saturday, June 18th  9am-3pm We need your ‘almost new’ donations! We cannot accept mattresses, tires, computers, exercise bikes, Christmas trees, hazardous waste, “tube” TVs, or just plain junk! Call the church to arrange pick up of large items.  All proceeds … Read more

Maybe Playing Church is a Good Thing!

It’s a fairly common criticism that churches face.  “They’re just ‘playing church.’”  I suppose that means the church isn’t serious enough, has lost its purpose or is just going through the motions.  Perhaps that’s a worthwhile discussion, but I’m not talking about that here. I’m talking about play.  You know, the kind of play you … Read more

Redesigned Bethel Banner – May 2016

Fresh off the press and redesigned! Turn the pages and see for yourself. In this issue: GROW the Church: Bethel’s Community Garden $5,000 Grant from Wheatridge for ESL Classes …so much more! Seamlessly turn the pages online and even interact with the text! Enjoy the new Banner.

Ladies’ High Tea

Calling all ladies! Dress up and treat yourself to afternoon tea, Downton Abbey style! Enjoy tea, baked goods, and a craft; but especially come to enjoy each others’ fellowship. Men: we need servers for this! Job requirements: look sharp and pour tea. Treat your women! When: May 7th, 4:30 pm | Cost: $15 | All … Read more

A Remnant Pathway

Bewildered.  That’s how I would describe so many faithful Christians recently.  They’ll express a deep confusion about how so many people could exist without faith of any kind.  They’ll wonder how so many Christians could embrace teachings and lifestyles that are clearly against God’s created order and even spoken against by Jesus.  They’ll speak with … Read more