
Seek the Kingdom First – Matthew 6

Jesus spoke often of the “Kingdom of God”. One of the most famous verses about the kingdom is in Matthew where Jesus says “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. In this section, Jesus is telling the people not to worry about the daily … Read more

Guidance for life

Brothers and sisters in Christ.  Listen.  When a solder submits to the authority of his commanding officer, he obeys what that officer tells him to do. If a patient submits to a doctor’s treatment, he or she will do what the doctor says to do.  And when we submit ourselves to the King of Kings … Read more

Tracing the Truth: Stand on Creation

At the trial of Jesus, Pontius Pilate famously exclaimed, “What is truth?”  Good question!  Pilate lived in a world filled with so many competing claims to truth it would make your head spin.  Sound familiar?  The competing truth claims of our culture cause even the strongest Christian to wonder how to sort through it all. … Read more