
GodSpeak Group: Week 58

Week 58: Jeremiah 3-14

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Monday, October 18 Jeremiah 3-4  Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Explain Jeremiah 3:14. What is God‘s message presented through these words?

Tuesday, October 19 Jeremiah 5-6  Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Review Jeremiah 5:26-31. Summarize the condition of those described here.

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GodSpeak Group: Week 57

Week 57: Isaiah 53-Jeremiah 2

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
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Monday, October 11 Isaiah 53 Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Isaiah 53 includes the beautiful and moving account of our Lord‘s suffering and death. Verse 10 even references us. Explain.

Tuesday, October 12 Isaiah 54-57 Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. See Isaiah 54:10-13, especially 13. What promise does our God of unfailing love give for the offspring who are taught to know the one true God?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 56

Week 56: Isaiah 40-52 Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group! [audio:gs10-12-10.mp3] Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below! Monday, October 4  Isaiah 40-41  Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen) 1.  What qualities of our Savior do you find suggested by these words, — He tends His flock like a … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 55

Week 55: Isaiah 26 – 39

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
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Monday, September 27 Isaiah 26-27 Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1.  See Isaiah 27:2-3.  Since we, the people of God, are His vineyard, in what ways does the Lord — water us continually?  See Isaiah 55:10-11.

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GodSpeak Group: Week 54

September 20-25
Isaiah 7-25

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
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Monday, September 20 Isaiah 7-8  Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Despite political unrest and turmoil, God reminds the people of His faithfulness toward them in the words of Isaiah: “Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of men? Will you try the patience of God also? Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:13–14). Isaiah’s words also refer to God’s gift of His Son, God with us, as the Savior of the world (see Matthew 1:23). In what ways do people today try the patience of God regarding this great gift?

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Tree Bark “He can’t see the forest for the trees.” It’s a phrase that indicates that someone’s spending all their attention on the things around them and can’t see what’s happening in the big picture. Once in a while it’s important for us all to step back from looking for Emerald Ash Borer holes in … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 53

September 13-18 Song of Songs 3-Isaiah

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
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Monday, September 13 Song of Songs 4-6  Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Solomon describes his wife-to-be in Songs of Songs 4:1–7; she describes him after their marriage in Songs of Songs 5:10–16 and he describes her after their marriage in Song of Songs 6:4–9. What do these descriptions say about their love for each other? How are they a fitting description of Christ’s love for His bride, the church, and the church’s love for Christ? See Ephesians 5.

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GodSpeak Group: Week 52

Week 52: Ecclesiastes 3-Song of Songs 3

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
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Monday, September 6 Ecclesiastes 3-4  Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Several hints to the solution of the problem of meaninglessness appear in Ecclesiastes 3 and 4. Identify the aspects of the solution mentioned in these verses: Ecclesiastes 3:1–8; 3:12–14; 3:17; 3:18; 4:9–12. What did the angel announce as the great solution to these problems (Luke 2:10-11)? What is Peter’s confession about what is meaningful (John 6:68)?

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