
Pastoral Candidate Potluck

Come with a dish and questions for our first candidate! Our Call committee has narrowed our search for a new pastor down to 2 candidates, and we’d like you to meet them! Saturday, March 11, 12:00pm This Saturday, meet one of the candidates, Rev. Glenn Worcester during a potluck lunch! This meal will be Mexican … Read more

Lifted Up Retreat

In our hustle and bustle, it is so important to simply breathe. God calls us to rest in Him, and so often there is so much going on that we put the resting part on the back burner. We see the need, and we would like to have a night of worship, rest, and play … Read more

Bethel Endowment Funds Available

Bethel Endowment Fund has approved a disbursement of $1,082 for 2017. The money must be used to initiate or support a project at Bethel that is not included in the 2016-17 general budget. All members of Bethel are eligible to apply. Applications are available in the office, and the deadline to apply is Feb. 28. … Read more

Tough Love

When you hear the word “love”, what do you think of? Some may think of roses and chocolates, maybe kisses and hugs, xs and os. It’s interesting, in the same conversation, I can say “I love you, darling” to my husband and then say “Oh my goodness I love Pizza Lucé!” Love takes on many … Read more

Stewardship Sunday

“And God said, I will be with You.” Dear Christian Steward at Bethel, When God appeared to Moses in a burning bush to appoint Moses to lead His people out of captivity in Egypt, Moses was very reluctant to take on that responsibility. And God said, “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12a).  That is the … Read more

Big Change

The colorful leaves on the trees need to be extraordinarily beautiful for any of us to take too much notice.  Autumn comes around every year.  Soon it will be cold and white, just like last year.  Our lives are filled with constant change, but it often happens so slowly or regularly that we don’t really … Read more


Change happens all of the time. The world we live in is always in the process of change. Absolutely nothing remains the same. The calendars that we use are our constant reminder that change is normal. We also change daily: today we are a day older than we were yesterday. Our attitudes, our feelings and … Read more