
A New Map

Driving in Chicago… No one can deny that the world has completely changed in the last 50 years. There was a day when all you had to do was ring the church bell and people came. People wanted to hear God’s Word, they wanted baptism, they wanted communion. Those days are over and we as … Read more

Education Funding Meeting

An Education Funding meeting for Central Lutheran School and Concordia Academy parents will be held on Sunday November 9th from noon until 2. Bethel currently gives $2,200 to Central Lutheran School and Concordia Academy students to assist in tuition costs. This meeting will be a time to talk about how best to utilize people to … Read more

"Giving Thanks Together"

On Thursday, November 13, 2008 the “55” Club at Bethel is hosting “Giving Thanks Together” at 11:30am in association with Maternity of Mary.  Turkey Dinner & Entertainment will follow the service. Please sign up on the lounge bulletin board and give your payment ($8) to Betty Paulus by November 10. All members and friends of … Read more

Financial Literacy Classes

Financial Literacy Classes are being held each Friday evening at Bethel Lutheran Church for our community of Liberian and West Africans in the Twin Cities. The evening begins with a meal at 6 pm and then the Financial Literacy class is from 6:30 to 8 pm.  Bethel members serve the meal and care for children … Read more

German Dinner a Success!

The pork chop/sauerkraut dinner & silent auction raised $1,428 to benefit Second Harvest Heartland, the Upper Midwest’s largest hunger-relief organization. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will supplement monies raised and will contribute $709.Second Harvest Heartland’s largest program is the food bank, which serves 59 counties in Minnesota and western Wisconsin.  For more information about Second Harvest … Read more