
Helping and Being Helped

One of the highlights of my vocation as a pastor is spending time with our members who are unable to get around.  Often the discussion will center on the health challenges these people face and coming to grips with their gradual (or sudden) loss of ability.  These people spent decades busy helping others. Now the … Read more

On Following Jesus… Gluten-Free

As many of you may know, I was recently diagnosed with Celiac disease. It seems my body attacks my small intestine when it finds gluten in my system. Over time, the damage results in malabsorption and all sorts of other bad things can happen with that. Gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye. So, … Read more

Every Member a Ministry – Every Member a Group

The Bible is filled with ideas. Some ideas are beautiful, others are challenging, some give us comfort, others bring a deep fear. But Christianity is so much bigger than ideas. I hope our journey through the Gospel of Matthew can convince you of that. We may be tempted to think that Jesus is all about … Read more

A god by any other name…

“You shall have no other gods before me.” Those are the first words of instruction on how God wants His people to live. Closely following that instruction is some explanation. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth … Read more

Worship = Rest

As a boy I remember the hustle and bustle of Sunday morning. I wasn’t always the swiftest out the door in the morning. It was a lot of work getting everything ready, picking out our Sunday best and making ourselves presentable. Unfortunately the work didn’t stop when we got to church. It had only begun! … Read more