Teaching Archives

GodSpeak: By the (Good) Book – “Bethel”

GodSpeak for the Week of October 14 “Bethel”   This week we stay with the Lectionary, with a special focus on…Bethel?!   Day 1…Read Amos 5:6-7 Consider this – Bethel was a town in ancient Israel…a town whose name means “House of God”…a town that had always been CONTESTED. It had been founded on the … Read more

GodSpeak: By the (Good) Book – “Childlike Faith”

GodSpeak for the Week of October 7 “Childlike Faith”   This week we stay with the Lectionary, with a special focus on words from the book of Mark’s gospel about “adult” versus “childlike” faith.   Day 1…Read Mark 10:2-16 Consider this – the Pharisees obviously know what they think on the subject. They’re testing Jesus … Read more

GodSpeak: By the (Good) Book – “Free Lunch?””

GodSpeak for the Week of September 30 “Free Lunch?”   This week (and, for the next few) we return to the Lectionary, with a special focus on words from the book of Numbers about being careful what you wish for…   Day 1…Read Numbers 11:4-6 Consider this – the reading refers to the “rabble” that … Read more

GodSpeak: By the (Good) Book – “Ulterior Motive”

GodSpeak for the Week of September 23 “Ulterior Motive”   This week (and, for the next few) we return to the Lectionary, with a special focus on James’ words about motive.   Day 1…Read James 3:13-18 Consider this – James is primarily addressing those who teach and lead in congregations, noting that those who want … Read more

GodSpeak: “Hope”

GodSpeak for the Week of September 16 “Hope” Day 1…Read Jeremiah 29:8-11 (focusing especially on vv. 8-9) Consider this – these first couple of verses in this passage are hard-edged and commanding. Yet, there is HOPE among these words! Answer this – what words and/or concepts convey a sense of HOPE in these couple of … Read more

GodSpeak: Missed Links – “Foolish Controversies”

GodSpeak for the Week of September 9 “Foolish Controversies”   We’re between sermon series this week, going back to a one week tour of our “Missed Links” series (i.e., looking at texts which do not appear in the Lectionary).   Day 1…Read Titus 3:1-11 (focusing especially on v. 1) Consider this – Paul writes this … Read more