
The Night of Light

December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ, will be celebrated all over the world. It will be celebrated in various ways, in many languages and by people of all races. Even people that do not believe, celebrate this day. For a few hours many in the world will stop talking about satellites and wars. They … Read more

Christmas Lattes

This time of year is my absolute favorite: Christmas lights, snow, blanket snuggles, Christmas music, and not to mention the flavors of Christmas. I’m talking about the gingerbread, the cinnamon, the eggnog, the cloves… all that mouth-watering goodness. Those flavors are found in our greatest source of energy every morning too: in our hot, lovely … Read more

The Theology of Stuff: Kingdom Resources

I just bought a brand new smartphone.  It’s fun to play with all the new features and enjoy the afterglow of having something new and admirable.  But I’ve been through this before.  Soon the feelings fade and I’m left with an electronic device that will either be a help or a hinderance.  It can be … Read more

God, Our Father

The story of the prodigal son, was about a young man who was not satisfied to be in his father’s house where all of his needs were met.  He wanted more.  He believed the lie, that something more exciting was in store for him away from his father. This is how we sometimes behave, even … Read more

Full Stomachs

The last time you heard from me, I was talking about food. And here I am again, about to talk about food. What can I say; I can’t get enough of it! Along with working in a church, I also am a waitress at Olive Garden (those student loans won’t pay for themselves).  This month … Read more