
“You First”

Everyone likes to be first. First in line. First to eat. First to the gate of a concert or maybe sporting event. First to play the video game. We are proud to be first. Some people want so much to be first that they might even break God’s commandments to do it. An athlete might … Read more

2014 LAMP Trip to Cat Lake

As we walk around the community of Cat Lake in Ontario, this is the bible verse we carry on our shoulders. This is our goal in coming so far up north. This is our mission. As we prepare all year long to make the trip, this verse is on our minds. As we pray throughout … Read more

To Belong

“Where do I belong?”  For a long time, this question was answered for people before it was asked.  For so many, the hometown, the family business, the traditions of the culture made the question of belonging a non-issue.  But things changed as mobility, education and communication advanced.  The question of belonging became more of an … Read more

Words of Encouragement

The Bible strictly forbids idolatry. One of the ten commandments declares, “you shall not make for yourself a carved image, you shall not bow down to them nor serve them” (Exodus 20:4-5). But almost anything can become an “idol”. Things that we worship and serve in place of God. It might be money, car, house, … Read more

Rebecca’s Garden of Hope

When Jesus was asked what the most important commandment was what did he say? “Love God”. Then he said that the second one is like it: “Love your neighbor”. Simple words from our Savior and the Author of Life, but how are we to do this? Why is it so difficult for us to love … Read more

The Gift of Prayer

The central part of any relationship is communication. It is true on a human level, so what kind of relationship do two people have who never talk with each other? In a greater way, our relationship with God involves communication, not just an occasional brief chat, but a deep sharing of ourselves and our concerns … Read more

There’s No “I” in Humility! Wait…

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility valueothers above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you tothe interests of the others.”  Philippians 2:3-4 There are those alive today who would do their best to convince you that selfishness really isn’t so bad. In fact, they would … Read more