
Neighborhood Missionary Season

“…be ready in season and out of season.” – 2 Timothy 4:2 In that quote, Paul is encouraging the young Timothy to always be prepared to communicate the good news of Jesus no matter what the situation. It doesn’t take much to admit that a long, hard, cold Minnesota winter puts a damper on our mission … Read more

From the Heart

The heart is a tricky thing.  In one sense, it’s that rhythmical muscle in our chest, pulsing with life.  In another sense, it’s the deepest of emotions, both positive and negative.  There is yet another sense that Jesus uses when he talks about “heart.”  Check it out: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they … Read more

The Hand of God

In the midst of sorrow and trouble, life has many blessings and enjoyments that have come from the hand of God. Just think of the blessings we easily take for granted. Life itself, from danger, every bit of health we enjoy, every hour of liberty, the ability to see, to hear, to speak, to think … Read more

A Church of Lighthouses

“You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 In his Sermon on the Mount, Christ taught us much about kingdom living. He taught us kingdom values and priorities. He taught us true faith from earthly ritual. … Read more

Patience and Perfection

Patience is not easy for most of us. For example, if a plane is delayed for a few minutes or maybe something did not happen exactly when or how we expected it to happen, we get impatient and frustrated about that situation. I have also heard people quit going to a particular church just because … Read more

Why so Foolish, Galatians?

In the opening line of Galatians 3, Paul asks them harshly why they have strayed from the truth. “You foolish Galatians!” he says, “Who has bewitched you?“ Throughout his letter to the Churches in Galatia we can see a different tone in Paul’s voice than we witness in his other letters. He is upset. Actually, … Read more

The Tyranny of the Comfort Zone

Has the comfort zone taken over our discipleship? Everyone has a comfort zone. It’s a natural part of life to be comfortable with certain things and uncomfortable with others. Here’s how Wikipedia defines comfort zone: “The comfort zone is a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set … Read more

Reading Paul, Hearing Jesus

It’s no wonder why we love to read Paul’s letters. We love to dive into the depth and the logic of Paul. We love his systematic approach to Law and Gospel. We love Paul’s passion and his steadfast adherence to the confession of Jesus Christ. Paul makes sense to us! In so many ways, Paul … Read more