
Every Member a Ministry – Every Member a Group

The Bible is filled with ideas. Some ideas are beautiful, others are challenging, some give us comfort, others bring a deep fear. But Christianity is so much bigger than ideas. I hope our journey through the Gospel of Matthew can convince you of that. We may be tempted to think that Jesus is all about … Read more

God’s Word

Just as our bodies need food, so our souls need spiritual food. Without it, we will become malnourished and very weak. We will be open to every temptation and we will not be able to do the work God calls us to do. So, where do we find this spiritual food? In the Holy Bible, … Read more

The Cost of Being a Disciple – Luke 14

We are called by Christ to be disciples. A disciple not only knows or believes in the Rabbi’s teaching, but follows it. As Christians we follow the teaching of Jesus. Jesus’ words to his disciples in the 14th chapter of Luke are striking. He tells his disciples to count the cost of following their master … Read more

Poor In Spirit

One of the hardest truths for some people is to accept is that there is absolutely nothing we can do to win our salvation. No matter how generous you can be or how honest or compassionate anyone can be, for sure it is never enough. God the Almighty is Holy and His standard is perfect. … Read more

Are We Mammonaholics?

Mammonaholic? What’s that? What’s Mammon in the first place? We usually think of Mammon as “riches,” and that’s quite true. However, Mammon is much broader than that. Mammon is the misuse of God’s good creation through prideful expressions of power, prestige and possessions. In essence, Mammon is the power of Satan in and among us. … Read more

God’s Hand of Blessing

In the midst of the Lord’s prayer are these familiar words.  “Give us this day our daily bread.” They remind us that we are dependent on God for everything and He is the giver of every blessing. “Every good gift and perfect gift is from above and came down from the Father of Light”. James … Read more