
Supplies needed for the Casa de niños orphanage mission trip!

Items requested by the orphanage director include camping tents (small size is best), sandals, personal care items, umbrellas, usb storage sticks (computer), gifts for workers, diapers, markers, school supplies including backpacks, etc. If you are interested in purchasing any of these items, please bring them to the church office by July 26th. Money is also … Read more


These are exciting times at Bethel! Beginning in September we will undergo a major congregation-wide initiative to read through the Bible together in two years. Now, this means a few things will change around here so I thought I would answer a few common questions in this venue so that you can consider joining us in this life-changing experience.

Why are we doing this?
The concept of GodSpeak traces back to a few realities I observe in and among the people of God today. First, I see Christianity existing in a world that is less than open and accepting of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Second, I see Christians who, for whatever reason, were trained that only a pastor or qualified layperson could really talk about God. As a result I see Christians who are fearful to speak of spiritual matters with others, even with other Christians! I was faced with this question: How can we equip the people of God to be comfortable enough with their faith that they can share the Gospel with their unbelieving friends and relatives?

What is GodSpeak?
I believe GodSpeak could prove to be a major step in the right direction. Here’s the concept.

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Bethel’s Softball Team

Sunday, August 2nd is your last chance to be involved in Bethel’s softball team. It will be a tournament day and Bethel plays at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm with a potluck picnic to follow. Join in the fun at the east view fields on the corner of Flandrau and 6th St in Saint Paul – … Read more

Worship GOD this Summer!

When you make your vacation plans this summer-be sure to make worshipping God a part of your vacation. Check on the LCMS website and use the church locator under directories to find a church in the area where you will be. Call the office if you want help-Lynne would love to help you with this. … Read more

GodSpeak Discussion

Join the discussion about GodSpeak on Facebook! From our Facebook page: In September, Bethel will begin reading the Bible together. It will take us two years to complete, a journey that has life-changing potential. Want to join us? We’ll be reading a few chapters each day except Sunday. In worship, we’ll reflect on the readings … Read more


What are you looking for? Do you feel like you just rummage through life, searching for something that will satisfy an otherwise unidentifiable longing? It seems in our current society contentment is shunned and the “haphazard search” is glorified. Think about it. When was the last time you watched a movie or a TV show … Read more