GodSpeak: John

Have you grown up? Most people who read this will say yes. You’re an adult. You have years under your belt and the responsibilities to go with it. You’ve grown up! Some would say they never really grow up. Not that they play with toys all their life, but that they’re always growing, always learning, always maturing. That’s the way we should approach our lives in relationship with God. We need to grow up and keep on growing! Our maturity in Christ has less to do with age and more to do with following Jesus, the one who has given us the gift of life eternal.

Following Jesus means being a disciple. We’re called to be disciples! Disciples sit at the feet of the master and take in everything he says. Then, the master calls on his disciples to take what he said and put it into practice. Finally, he calls on them to disciple others who will do the same. That takes discipline! Having forgiveness and eternal life doesn’t take discipline. Jesus did it for us. He had the amazing discipline to stay on that cross for us. But growing as a disciple of Jesus takes discipline. We listen to him. We put his teachings into practice. We pass it along.

Disciple Factory
I couldn’t believe the words came out of my mouth. I was talking with our missionary, Tim Miller about our church and I was getting pretty excited. Surprising, I know. So, I told him I really felt our calling as a church was to be a “disciple factory.” Images of assembly lines suddenly filled my head. That’s not exactly what I was going for, but I hope you get my point. Our vision for Bethel is that every member, EVER MEMBER, is an active, growing disciple of Jesus. We want to see lives changed, faith strengthened and Jesus proclaimed by every disciple of Jesus at Bethel Lutheran Church. We do that by reading the Bible, talking about it with each other and worshipping God as we follow Jesus together.

GodSpeak: John
I don’t know how well you followed along with Bethel in GodSpeak as we read the Bible together in 2 years. Maybe you read faithfully, or not so faithfully. Maybe you met with a group, or just came for worship. Whatever your involvement, I hope you grew as a disciple of Jesus. I’m really excited about GodSpeak: John. You’ll notice the readings are a bit different. The first two days of the week are from the Gospel of John. The rest of the week’s readings are from other parts of the Bible that help us to understand what John is writing. By the end of the week, scripture has just interpreted scripture. That’s the way we Lutherans read the Bible. That’s how we grow as disciples.

Make a Commitment
So, here’s your chance. On September 19, we read John 1:1-18. Together. We’re meeting in groups each week so you can talk it out. Ask your questions. Be encouraged as a Jesus follower. Pray together. On Sunday, September 25, we worship. Growing up…together.

 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

Pastor Seabaugh


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