Teaching Archives

“Y” Does It Matter? – PM vs. I AM

GodSpeak for the Week of November 3 We continue this week with our series looking at the “forks”/the “Ys” we come to (and, take) in the “road of faith.”  Does it really matter which forks we take?  Does it really matter what we believe?  This week we look at arguably the most common “wrong fork” … Read more

“Y” Does It Matter? – Whole Truth (and Nothing But!)

GodSpeak for the Week of October 27 We pause on this week – in the wake of Reformation Sunday – to consider why it matters (and, why it’s vitally important) not to “proof text” when it comes to our faith. Day 1…Read Ephesians 2:8a, here…“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith…” … Read more

“Y” Does It Matter? – On Course

GodSpeak for the Week of October 20 We continue this week with our series looking at the “forks”/the “Ys” we come to (and, take) in the “road of faith.”  Does it really matter which forks we take?  Does it really matter what we believe?  This week we focus on looking for the “signs” which keep … Read more

“Y” Does it Matter? – Recalculating

GodSpeak for the Week of October 13 “’Y’…does it matter?” – Recalculating We continue this week with a new series looking at the “forks”/the “Ys” we come to (and, take) in the “road of faith.”  Does it really matter which forks we take?  Does it really matter what we believe?  This week we focus on … Read more

“Y” Does It Matter? – GPS (or getting our bearings)

GodSpeak for the Week of October 6 This week we begin a new series looking at the “forks”/the “Ys” we come to (and, take) in the “road of faith.”  Does it really matter which forks we take?  Does it really matter what we believe?  We begin this series by “getting our bearings” and setting our … Read more


GodSpeak for the Week of September 29 This week we look at a famous passage from the book of Hebrews from which a famous U.S. town got its name. Day 1…Read Hebrews 13:1-2 Consider this – in Greek culture and language, there were three ways to express “love”: “agape” – was the kind of love … Read more

School Tools – Book

GodSpeak for the Week of September 15 We wrap up our brief, school-year-start sermon series by looking at a final (and, arguably most common) “School Tool” – the book. Day 1…Read 2 Corinthians 3:1 Consider this – it was common practice in Paul’s day for people to carry letters of recommendation with them, if they … Read more

School Tools – Pencil

GodSpeak for the Week of September 8 With a week (or two) of the new school year behind us, we continue with a short sermon series about “school tools”…school supplies, that is, and how they help us to illustrate and understand parts of God’s Word. Day 1…Read Proverbs 3:1 Consider this – the Hebrew word … Read more

School Tools – Calculator

GodSpeak for the Week of September 1 We kick-off the new school year with a short sermon series about “school tools”…school supplies, that is, and how they help us to illustrate and understand parts of God’s Word. Day 1…Read Acts 19:13-20 Consider this – take a general look at this lesser-known, yet very interesting story … Read more