Teaching Archives

A Family’s Feud; a Father’s Faith

GodSpeak for the Week of August 18 Dr. Bob Holst shared insights into Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son. This week we’ll look at additional scriptures that talk about compassion and forgiveness. Day 1…Read Luke 15:1-10 This gives some context to the parable of the Prodigal Son. Notice what the Pharisees and teachers of the … Read more

Good Samaritan

GodSpeak for the Week of July 14 Day 1…Read Luke 10:25-37. This very familiar passage was the text for Sunday’s sermon. Read through it slowly and see if you notice details you haven’t noticed before or have forgotten. What questions lead to Jesus telling this parable? Day 2…Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9. Today and each succeeding day this week, … Read more


GodSpeak for the Week of June 23 With the major holidays on our church calendar behind us (e.g., Easter, Pentecost, Holy Trinity), we now settle into the long summer season after Pentecost.  To get the season underway, we return to our ongoing “Missed Links” sermon series by taking a look at the story of Simon … Read more

Down to Earth

GodSpeak for the Week of June 16 We finish these celebratory days after Easter and Pentecost with an annual Sunday focusing on the reality of the Holy Trinity. Day 1…Read Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 Consider this – historically ascribed to the writing of King Solomon, this passage from Proverbs (especially from v. 22 forward) features very … Read more

E Unum Pluribus

GodSpeak for the Week of June 9 After a late Easter season, we celebrate Pentecost Sunday this week – and, the giving of the promised Holy Spirit to us. Day 1…Read Genesis 9:7-11 Consider this – this passage takes place right after the flood waters have gone away; Noah and family are left on dry … Read more

Going to (and From) the Mat

GodSpeak for the Week of May 26 We’re back to the Lectionary this week, focusing on John’s recounting of a story from early in Jesus’ ministry. Day 1…Read John 5:1-9 Consider this – John is very specific to note that the pool of Bethesda was near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem. The Sheep Gate is … Read more

GodSpeak: Spring 2019 – “Gone Fishin'”

GodSpeak for the Week of May 19 “Gone Fishin’” Pastor Yoseph joins us for 9:30am worship this morning, and offers his sermon based on Luke’s account of the calling of the first disciples. Day 1…Read Luke 5:1-11 Consider this – read the whole passage and consider its context…its pace. Luke tells us that Jesus was … Read more

Be Strong in the Lord

GodSpeak for the Week of May 12 Day 1…Read Ephesians 6:10-20 Consider this – our translation of 6:10 reads: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” The way this is worded could leave someone feeling that it’s her responsibility and determination which is necessary to “be strong”. However, the Greek Paul … Read more