Teaching Archives

Psalm 42 (GodSpeak Readings Aug 10-15)

Psinging through Psummer Psalm 42 We all know what it’s like to want something. This psalm is about someone who wants God.  Even though it feels like God is far away, day or night, he’s always there. Daily Prayer: Lord, give me confidence in your presence even when faith in you is unpopular.  Amen. Monday, … Read more

Psalm 51 (GodSpeak Readings Aug 3-8)

Psinging through Psummer Psalm 51 We live in a broken, disconnected world, and our own lusts and desires often get the best of us. This psalm of David speaks from the heart of a man who messed up royally. His words can be your words.  Let them help you. Daily Prayer: Lord, create clean hearts … Read more

Psalm 46 (GodSpeak Readings Jul 27-Aug 1

Psinging through Psummer Psalm 46 It is the psalm that inspired Martin Luther to write the famous hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”  If it meant enough to Luther to write a hymn about it, then perhaps we will find it important for our lives as well.   Daily Prayer: Lord, teach me to trust … Read more

Great Boldness (Psalm 1 & 2)

Sunday, July 19, 2015 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings:  Psalm 1 & 2; Acts 4:23-31; Luke 9:28-36 GodSpeak Readings:  Psinging thru Psummer [divider_line] [one_half] Watch [/one_half][one_half_last] Listen [powerpress] Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes!

Psalm 67 (GodSpeak Readings Jul 20-25)

Psinging through Psummer Psalm 67 We are blessed by God more than we can ever know.  One of the greatest challenges we have is to be ungrateful for the blessings that God gives without us ever asking.  Use this psalm to change that.   Daily Prayer: Thank you God for blessing me.  Fill me with … Read more

Don’t Freak Out (Psalm 37)

Sunday, July 12, 2015 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings:  Psalm 37; Matthew 5:1-12 GodSpeak Readings:  Psinging through Psummer [divider_line] [one_half] Watch

Psalm 1-2 (GodSpeak Readings Jul 13-18)

Psinging through Psummer Psalm 1 & 2 Psalm 1 and 2 have often been referred to as the Law/Gospel psalms.  Look at how Psalm 1 shows what we are to do. Then see how Psalm 2 shows us Jesus, the one who fulfills that good for us.  Daily Prayer: Lord, with evil all around us, it … Read more

Psalm 37 (GodSpeak Readings Jul 6-11)

Psinging through Psummer Psalm 37 It seems like a daily occurrence that those who oppose truth gain acceptance in the world around us.  It just feels right to fret, to panic and to retreat in times like these.  David disagrees. Daily Prayer: Lord, give us courage to stand for what is true, trusting in you … Read more

Benefits (Psalm 103)

Sunday, July 5, 2015 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings:  Psalm 103; Philippians 2:1-11; Mark 2:1-12 GodSpeak Readings:  Psinging through Psummer [divider_line] [one_half] Watch

Jesus, My Light and My Strength (Psalm 27)

Sunday, June 28, 2015 Pastor Lusienie Fofana Scripture Readings:  Psalm 27; Romans 8:31-39; Matthew 4:12-17 GodSpeak Readings:  Psinging through Psummer [divider_line] [one_half] Watch [/one_half][one_half_last] Listen [powerpress] Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes!