David Seabaugh

Expanding the Lord’s Prayer

It sounds like scary stuff. We’re not supposed to take the word of God and “expand” it. It’s good enough by itself! I believe that’s true. What we need to understand is that the word of God isn’t the ink on the page or the pixel on the screen. It’s the meaning behind the word … Read more

On Being a Shepherd of God’s Sheep

I am a sheep, complete with all the misguided, helpless stupidity that goes along with it. I am a sheep of the Good Pastor, Jesus. It’s awesome being in His flock under His provision and protection. It’s also humbling to be a pastor for the Good Pastor, to have a subset of that flock under … Read more

Worship = Rest

As a boy I remember the hustle and bustle of Sunday morning. I wasn’t always the swiftest out the door in the morning. It was a lot of work getting everything ready, picking out our Sunday best and making ourselves presentable. Unfortunately the work didn’t stop when we got to church. It had only begun! … Read more

Undeserved: God’s Gift of Grace

We’ve all met people whose perception of themselves far exceeded their actual ability. If we’re honest with ourselves, we find that it’s also great description of us! It’s true! There’s nothing more humbling that being a human being. Think about it. Do we have the ability to create ourselves? No. We are in this world … Read more

GODSpeak, not YOUSpeak

Self-Expression I don’t usually tend to use political examples, but the “Occupy ____” movement has left me fascinated.  For the longest time, analysts have tried to narrow down the message to a unified core, to no avail.  Talk to five protesters and you get five different messages.  Even the supposed leaders of the movement don’t … Read more