
Jehovah Jireh – Bright Side Tutoring

What is your favorite name of God? Scripture uses many names for God and they each highlight a different facet of who God is. One of my favorite names for God is Jehovah Jireh which translates to “The Lord will provide”. It is true that God is our provider. I often think of this name … Read more

Iron Sharpens Iron

When I was in college I took music composition lessons with a seasoned composition professor.  He was the most patient and loving man, and truly wanted all of his students to succeed.  One day I brought in a new choral piece.  It was a dynamite dazzling gift to the choral world.  I proudly brought it … Read more

God, Our Father

In the familiar story of the prodigal son, the young man was not satisfied to be in his father’s house with all of his needs met. He wanted more. He believed the lie that something more exciting was in store for him if he went away from his father. Is it not how we sometimes … Read more

Reclaiming the Heart of Membership

Over the last two years, God has led me on a journey of deepening my discipleship.  By his grace, the beautiful simplicity of Jesus’ teachings has been revealed and rooted in me.  As I listened to Jesus, a marvelous picture of the Christian church became clearer and clearer.  Unfortunately when I looked at the broader … Read more

Heaven is Real

Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Heaven is Real. Life is hard, but God is very good and heaven is real. This is what I sometimes tell my unbeliever’s friends. Because I know how easily we get caught up in our present situation and forget God’s promise of Heaven. Paul said “if only for this life … Read more

Pray First

If you are anything like me, you like to have control of your environment.  Whether it’s for security or efficiency or necessity, we typically like to keep things in line and have some idea about what’s going to happen in the future.  We make strategic plans and organizational charts.  We have insurance policies and contingency … Read more