
GodSpeak Group: Week 28

Week 28:  2 Samuel 11-22 Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group! [audio:gs03-30-10.mp3] Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below! Monday, March 22 2 Samuel 11-12  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen) 1. 2 Samuel 12:1-14 tells of Nathan confronting David because of David’s sin with Bathsheba. … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 26

Week 26:  I Samuel 24-31

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below!

Monday, March 8 I Samuel 24  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Review 1 Samuel 24:1–10. Explain David’s attitude and actions toward King Saul.

Tuesday, March 9 I Samuel 25  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)

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GodSpeak Group: Week 25

Week 25: I Samuel 16-23 Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group! [audio:gs03-09-10.mp3] Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below! Monday, March 1 I Samuel 16  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen) 1. Review 1 Samuel 16:1–13. Then describe Saul and David in light of Mark 12:33. Tuesday, … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 24

Week 24:  I Samuel 9-15 Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group! [audio:gs03-02-10.mp3] Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below! Monday, Feb 22 I Samuel 9-10  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen) 1. Note how Samuel describes the effect the power the Holy Spirit will have on … Read more

On Being Your Pastor – A Thank You

God’s blessing… It is truly an immense honor to be the Pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church. The spirit of mission and outreach here is nothing short of inspiring. Your willingness to embrace an initiative like GodSpeak and hang with it through Leviticus and Numbers shows a maturity and dedication that is commendable. The sense of … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 23

Week 23:  I Samuel 2-8

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below!

Monday, Feb 15 I Samuel 2  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Hannah’s song reminds us of the song of Mary (Luke 1:46–55). Comment on the portion of the song recorded in 1 Samuel 2:6–9 as you reflect on your new life in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, Feb 16 I Samuel 3  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. “The LORD was with Samuel as he grew up, and He let none of His words fall to the ground” (1 Samuel 3:19). Why might God’s people today also pray that the same might be said of our words? See also James 3:3–12.

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GodSpeak Group: Week 22

Week 22:  Judges 17-I Samuel 1

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below!

Monday, Feb 8 Judges 17-18  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. How did Micah attempt to combine the worship of idols with the worship of the true God (Judges 17)?

Tuesday, Feb 9 Judges 19-20  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Review Judges 19. Reacting to the rape and murder of his concubine, a man cut up the murder victim into 12 pieces and sent the pieces to each of the 12 tribes of Israel. Held in the devastating wake of this atrocity, the people planned to meet out punishment for the deed. They responded, “Think about it. Consider it! Tell us what to do!” After hearing Peter’s sermon at Pentecost the people responded somewhat similarly, “Brother, what shall we do (Acts 2:37)?” How did Peter respond (Acts 2:28)?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 21

Week 21: Judges 2- 16

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below!

Monday, Feb 1 Judges 3:1-30  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Describe the three sin/salvation scenarios you find in Judges 3. Describe the sin/salvation scenarios in your life in which Jesus is your deliverer.

Tuesday, Feb 2 Judges 3:31-5:31  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Review the introduction to the Song of Deborah (Judges 5:1–3). For what saving action provided by God do the singers praise God (verse 2)? For whose beneficial work or contribution are you motivated to give thanks to God today?

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