
GodSpeak Group: Week 20

Week 20: Joshua 20-Judges 2 Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group! [audio:gs02-02-10.mp3] Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below! Monday, Jan 25 Joshua 20-21  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen) 1. Joshua 21:44 describes how, in providing His people with their inheritance, God gave them rest on … Read more

Haiti – Why?

As I write this letter, the last few people are being pulled alive from the piles of stacked concrete on the island nation of Haiti. By the time you read this letter, relief efforts to assist millions of displaced people will be reaching the point of exhaustion. Why? It is the perennial question when a … Read more

Bethel Banner – Feb 2010

Check out Bethel news in our newsletter for February! Bethel Banner – Feb 2010 In this issue: 1.  Feed My Starving Children servant event 2.  Combined Worship and Potluck on Feb 7 3.  Haiti Relief – supplemental funding with Thrivent Financial

GodSpeak Group: Week 19

Week 19: Joshua 7-19 Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group! [audio:gs01-26-10.mp3] Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below! Monday, Jan 18 Joshua 8-9  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen) 1. Joshua 8:34 records that Joshua read all the words of the law—the blessings and the curses just … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 18

Week 18:  Deuteronomy 33-Joshua 7 Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group! [audio:gs01-19-10.mp3] Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below! Monday, Jan 11 Deuteronomy 33  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen) 1. According to Deuteronomy 33:29, what is distinctive about the people of God? Tuesday, Jan 12 … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 17

Week 17:  Deuteronomy 27-32

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below!

Monday, Jan 4 Deuteronomy 27  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. The final curse shouted by the people from Mount Ebal summarizes our condition under God’s Law, because we are unable to obey it. “Cursed is the man who does not uphold the words of this law by carrying them out” (Deut 27:26). But for those of us with faith in Christ Jesus, the curse of the Law is only half of the story. See Romans 6:23. Explain.

Tuesday, Jan 5 Deuteronomy 28  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)

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GodSpeak Group: Week 15 & 16

Week 15 & 16: Deuteronomy 7-26

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below!

Monday, Dec 21 Deuteronomy 7  Read & Listen Online  (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. According to Deuteronomy 7:7-8, why did God choose you to be among those who belong to Him through faith in Christ Jesus? According to Ephesians 1:4-6, how do those of us not biological descendants of Abraham also come under the promise God made to the ancestors of the nation of Israel?

Tuesday, Dec 22 Deuteronomy 8   Read & Listen Online  (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8:3 as He fended off the devil’s temptation (Matthew 4:4). How does remaining close to our Savior through His Word help you to avoid the temptation to ignore your need for Jesus and the salvation He earned for you on Calvary?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 14

Week 14:  Deuteronomy 1-6 Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group! [audio:gs12-22-09.mp3] Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below! Monday, Dec 14 Deuteronomy 1  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen) 1. Moses’ words in the first chapter of Deuteronomy provide an apt picture of our heavenly Father’s … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 13

Week 13:  December 7-12
Numbers 22-36

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below!

Monday, Dec 7 Numbers 22-25  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. When Israel fell into sin with the Moabites, Phinehas took action. God commends him “because he was zealous for the honor of his God and made atonement for the Israelites” (Numbers 25:13). In what way may God be calling you to demonstrate your zeal for Him in your life?

Tuesday, Dec 8 Numbers 26-27  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. God told Moses, “Go up this mountain in the Abarim range and see the land I have given the Israelites. After you have seen it, you too will be gathered to your people, as your brother Aaron was” (Numbers 27:13). When we die, we too will be “gathered to our people.” How does Revelation 7:9 picture the people to whom we will be gathered?

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