
Baptism Sunday

It seems like every time I read a book of the Bible again in our GodSpeak journey, certain things jump off the page at me. This time, reading Paul’s letters over the last few months, the absolute nature of God’s grace has left me breathless. Grace is, by definition, an undeserved gift. Our position as … Read more


Could it be that the endeavor started two years ago to read through the Bible is coming to a close in a few short months? When we started reading the Bible, and realized that it would take two years, it seemed like it would take forever. As it turns out, the only thing that was … Read more

Our Cup Overflows

It’s one of my favorite parts of the 23rd Psalm. “You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” As followers of Jesus, we can expect for him to give in abundance. Now, it may not be the kind of abundance our world looks for, money, power, influence, etc. but he gives an abundance of … Read more


  February is always a month where people toss around the word “love.” We toss it around the other eleven months of the year too, but in February we have a holiday just for love: Valentine’s Day. In general, I think it’s a great thing that we take time to remember those we love and … Read more