
Life Together

These Wednesdays in Lent have been enlightening as we explored our “Life Together” from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book of the same name. We’ve taken a hard, honest look at postmodernism and seen how our world has become more relativistic, individualistic and willing to hold multiple views that would otherwise seem contradictory. Our life together as Christians … Read more

On Being Your Pastor – A Thank You

God’s blessing… It is truly an immense honor to be the Pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church. The spirit of mission and outreach here is nothing short of inspiring. Your willingness to embrace an initiative like GodSpeak and hang with it through Leviticus and Numbers shows a maturity and dedication that is commendable. The sense of … Read more

Haiti – Why?

As I write this letter, the last few people are being pulled alive from the piles of stacked concrete on the island nation of Haiti. By the time you read this letter, relief efforts to assist millions of displaced people will be reaching the point of exhaustion. Why? It is the perennial question when a … Read more

Christmas Becoming Christmas

Christmas Beginnings “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go…” When does Christmas become Christmas for you? Does it begin after Halloween? Does it begin after Thanksgiving? Does Christmas arrive with the first Santa in the shopping mall or the first ring of the Salvation Army kettle ringers? Does it begin with … Read more

Future Church Now

What comes to mind when we talk about “youth group?”  Perhaps it’s something like this.  “The youth ministry is important.” “Youth are so different today.”  “We need to keep them occupied.”  “They can do their own thing so long as they don’t get in the way.”  Why do we think this way about the youth?  … Read more

Are You Listening?

I love to talk.  Especially if you can get me talking about something I’m passionate about, such as the ministry at Bethel, LINC Twin Cities, or good choral music.  I’m sure you have your favorite topics as well.  “Don’t get me started!”  But as much as most of us like to talk, we also know the value of a good listener.  This reminds me of James 1:19, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…”  The Bible calls for us to listen first.  What great advice for us as we seek to develop Christian relationships between the members of our church and especially with others     outside of our church so we can share about Jesus.

 Active Listening
When somebody has something to say to us, we show that person respect by actually receiving the message they are sending!  But researchers have found that on average we only retain 25-50% of what we hear in conversation!  That’s like leaving out every other word!  There’s nothing more damaging to a relationship than having someone share something important with you only to have you promptly forget.  Active listening can help us strengthen relationships by opening up better lines of  communication.  Below are a few tips to help us all be more active listeners.

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Our Common Bond

Some of my most fond memories from my schooling have come from the relationships that were created. When I entered college and began my instruction in music, I was suddenly thrust into a community of students who had much in common. We all loved music and we talked about it all the time. Of course, … Read more

A Passionate Existence

God’s love for you is passionate.  He gave His own Son Jesus to bear your sins upon a cross.  Forgiveness is yours by faith!  At Bethel you will find a gathering of people who know the passionate love of God for them, love Him passionately in return, and want you to know that passion too.

GodSpeak: It Will Change Your Life… Forever

Really? Really. There are lots of things that promise to change your life. Some actually deliver. Choosing a college, a spouse, or a career will certainly change your life. But it won’t change it… forever. Yea, literally forever, eternally, perpetually, without end. This can. And it actually has the potential to change the lives of … Read more