
The Theology of Stuff: Kingdom Resources

I just bought a brand new smartphone.  It’s fun to play with all the new features and enjoy the afterglow of having something new and admirable.  But I’ve been through this before.  Soon the feelings fade and I’m left with an electronic device that will either be a help or a hinderance.  It can be … Read more

God, Our Father

The story of the prodigal son, was about a young man who was not satisfied to be in his father’s house where all of his needs were met.  He wanted more.  He believed the lie, that something more exciting was in store for him away from his father. This is how we sometimes behave, even … Read more

Full Stomachs

The last time you heard from me, I was talking about food. And here I am again, about to talk about food. What can I say; I can’t get enough of it! Along with working in a church, I also am a waitress at Olive Garden (those student loans won’t pay for themselves).  This month … Read more

How to Love

Remember a birthday like this?  It’s present opening time and under the ripped paper anticipation turns to dismay.  Before you is a gift you will never ever use.  Showtime!  Smile big, gush with thank yous, throw in a bear hug and on to the next gift.   They’ll never know their gift was a dud.  The … Read more

Infinite Grace

The word grace means more than just God’s kindness or His gentleness toward us, or even His mercy.  It means His underserved favor.  It means God, the Almighty, owes nothing to us, and we deserve nothing from Him. The scripture says “by grace you have been saved” (Eph 2:5).  It means our salvation was totally … Read more

Part of God’s Family

We not only belong to God, we also belong to each other.  We are not travelling alone on this journey that God has given us, others are traveling with us.  But unlike a race or a marathon, we are not competing with each other or maybe trying to get ahead of them and win something.  … Read more

Our Great Assurance

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.”  Hebrews 10:22 Brothers and sisters in Christ, please allow me to speak to you.  Disregard your feelings when you come to Christ. Because you are not saved by your feelings.  We are all saved by Christ Jesus.  Feelings come and go, but … Read more