Teaching Archives

Back to the Basics – Milk

Back to the Basics – Milk Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions   Milk is a symbol used throughout the Bible to describe a pure, simple, wholesome truth. It’s also used in connection with milk and honey to denote fertility and plenty. During this time in human history and in this location geographically (the middle east), water … Read more

Back to the Basics: Yeast

Back to the Basics – Yeast (& bread) Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions Most breads, cookies and crackers list “leaven” as an ingredient: It’s what makes the dough rise. But what it illustrates in biblical usage may surprise you. Could something so commonplace be such an important spiritual metaphor that God actually designed a week of … Read more

Back to the Basics: Water & Salt

Back to the Basics – Water and Salt Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions It doesn’t take much to make something good in the kitchen – a little water, a little flour, a little salt and you can make all sorts of things! Our faith, too, is made of some pretty basic things. This week, see how … Read more

Who Do You Say I Am?

August 27, 2017 Rev. Andrew Prin Scripture: Isaiah 51:1-6, Romans 11:33-12:8, Matthew 16:13-20 Watch

Why Does Jesus Do Miracles?

Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions For a few weeks we will be looking at miracles throughout the Bible. This week, we will be answering the question “what is a miracle?” through scripture itself. Be refreshed in the workings of our Lord!  Micacle: \’mir-i-kəl\ (n.) an historical event or phenomenon which surpasses human or natural power and … Read more

What is a Miracle?

Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions For a few weeks we will be looking at miracles throughout the Bible. This week, we will be answering the question “what is a miracle?” through scripture itself. Be refreshed in the workings of our Lord!  Micacle: \’mir-i-kəl\ (n.) from the Latin word miraculum, meaning “wonder” or “marvel”  Daily prayer: Almighty … Read more

Prayer Journaling

Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions As we’ve gone through this GodSpeak series, we have seen many ways to pray and have experienced time with our Father in conversation. Want to continue a prayerful lifestyle? One way to help you do so is with a prayer journal. Find a blank journal to start this! Each day this … Read more