
Urgent Request: New Roof

New Roof for Educational Wing How many leaks do you patch before you bite the bullet and replace the whole roof?  We’ve reached our max!  It’s time for a new roof on our educational wing.  We’re working out the estimates, but we think in the end it’ll cost about $48,000.  Help us keep a roof … Read more

God’s Workmanship

Brothers and sisters in Christ remember, we are not here by chance or by accident, we are here because God put us here. Long before the world was created, God knew all about us, and He planned to give us life.  From all eternity we were part of His plan. We did not have any … Read more

Living at Sea

Growing up in Michigan, I spent a lot of time on the Great Lakes. We lived close to them, so we often camped. One of our past times was to go to a beach and look at all the different ships in harbor. What does a ship do in a harbor? It refills supplies sure, … Read more

Don’t Let Someone Be the Mole

Almost every story of every villain I can think of (which is a rather limited list, to be honest) begins with the same sad tune of anger ignited and fueled by one cold characteristic: isolation. Take the Mole, for instance: befriended by animals instead of humans because of his handicap, a hatred of humankind encouraged … Read more

God Journey’s with Us

God could have created us, abandoned us, and forgotten all about us. Many people, in fact, believe this is exactly what God must have done, or at least they act as if He did. They assume God is not interested in them. So why should they be interested in Him? For them, God is distant … Read more


For some reason, the service on Good Friday has always been a favorite of mine during the year. I think that it’s because the service leaves you feeling so disoriented. The pastor typically says near the end of the service the words of Christ on the cross, “It is finished,” then a loud noise is … Read more