
Living the Mission

Church, Neighborhood and World
One of the things I love about our mission statement is that we specifically state where we intend to make disciples. It’s modeled after Acts 1:8 where Jesus tells his disciples “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Jerusalem = Church, Judea = Neighborhood, Samaria = World) Making disciples in the church is a challenge, but we have the benefit of already having disciples who are making disciples right here. Making disciples in the world is a challenge, but we have the benefit of missionaries like the Millers in Thailand who we can support with prayers and offerings. Making disciples in our neighborhood is a challenge that I think we struggle with the most. How do we reach out to our neighborhood to make disciples?

Integral, Valued and Transformational
I believe it has to be our mission to be an integral, valued, transformational member of our immediate community.

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GodSpeak Group: Week 42

Week 42: Job 2-14

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
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Monday, June 28 Job 2-3  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Explain Job’s words recorded in Job 2:10 in light of Hebrews 12:5–11.

Tuesday, June 29 Job 4-5  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Why do you think Christians sometimes face periods of hardship, illness, and disappointment with the same type of reasoning as Job’s friend Eliphaz explains in Job 4:3–8?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 41

Week 41: Nehemiah 11, Esther, Job 1

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
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Monday, June 21 Nehemiah 11-13  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Read again Nehemiah 12. Imagine the beautiful celebration of God and His goodness. Note especially the scene described in verse 43. Of what future occurrence may this event remind us? See Revelation 7:9–17).

Tuesday, June 22 Esther 1-2  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. What evidence does Esther 2:19–23 provide that Esther and Mordecai sought to obey God with respect to the Fourth Commandment?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 40

Week 40: Ezra 9-Nehemiah 10

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
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Monday, June 14 Ezra 9-10  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Relate the following segment from Ezra’s prayer to yourself and God’s other faithful people around you, “O LORD, God of Israel, You are righteous! We are left this day as a remnant. Here we are before You in our guilt, though because of it not one of us can stand in Your presence” (Ezra 9:15).

Tuesday, June 15 Nehemiah 1  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Upon learning of the deplorable conditions in Jerusalem, Nehemiah comes before God in repentant prayer. According to Nehemiah 1:10, what is the relationship between God’s people and God? How was this relationship established?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 39

Week 39: 2 Chronicles 34-Ezra 8

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
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Monday, June 7 2 Chronicles 34-35  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Review 2 Chronicles 35.One recurring sign that Israel was falling away from the Lord was that they neglected the celebrations of the Old Testament festivals, such as Passover. That is why the renewals of the Passover celebration under Hezekiah and Josiah were so significant. Why are celebrations so vital in the lives of God’s people? What particular features of your church’s celebrations help you recall God’s promises and the message of salvation through Jesus our Savior?

Tuesday, June 8 2 Chronicles 36  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Viewing the Babylonian exile from a time after the exile, the writer of Chronicles sees the exile as a time of Sabbath rest (2 Chronicles 36:21) for the land and the people. What were the benefits of Sabbath rest (Leviticus 25:1–7; 26:2; Hebrews 4:9)? How might you observe the Sabbath so it is a time of refreshment?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 38

Week 38: 2 Chronicles 25-33

Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group!
Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below!

Monday, May 31 2 Chronicles 25-26  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. As you think about true prosperity in connection with your reading of 2 Chronicles 25–26, the question frequently is asked, Why do the wicked prosper? Even the psalmist in Psalm 10 raises the question. Does it seem to you that the wicked prosper? Some religious leaders teach that when you trust the Lord you will be rich. Is there a difference between being prosperous and being rich? If so, what is the difference? Look at these Scripture passages for more insight into prosperity: Deuteronomy 5:33; Ezra 6:14; Proverbs 28:25; and Isaiah 45:7. Then thank the Lord for your prosperity in Christ.

Tuesday, June 1 2 Chronicles 27-28  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. How do you respond when you are reprimanded for doing something wrong? Look at the experience of the victorious Israelite soldiers (2 Chronicles 28:6–15). They had won a battle and plundered the losers. Oded confronted them, however (2 Chronicles 28:9–11). Why did he object to this plundering? What did he say should be done? What does this incident in God’s Word say to us?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 37

Week 37: 2 Chronicles 13-24 Click to listen to this week’s recorded GodSpeak discussion group! [audio:gs06-01-10.mp3] Want to join the discussion?  Drop in a comment below! Monday, May 24 2 Chronicles 13-14 Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen) 1. What is the common message of these three Scripture passages: 2 Chronicles 13:15; 2 Chronicles 14:12; … Read more

Who are You Discipling?

Discipleship When I arrived at Bethel Lutheran Church nearly five years ago, I saw a number of things that needed to be worked on, revised or tweaked. Our mission statement wasn’t one of them. “The mission of Bethel Lutheran Church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ in our church, neighborhood and world.” What a … Read more