
My EIIT Experience

Before starting the EIIT (Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology) program to become an ordained Pastor, I had to answer two hundred questions from the Old Testament and the New Testament, to qualify to enter the main program. By the grace of the Almighty I was able to pass. The EIIT program itself contains 16 classes—Module … Read more

Let Us Praise God

When we praise God, we welcome His presence. When you give thanks and praises to Him for His many blessings, by His grace He fills you up in a new and rich way. Many of us praise God only when we are happy or when we received something like a gift from someone. I say … Read more

Do Not Give in to Anger

Everyone knows what it is like to be wronged. We know how it feels when we find out someone has spread rumors about us or tells a lie to our friends about us. Understand that anger is real. We all experience it. Sometimes doing what is right is harder than doing what is not right. … Read more

Merry Christmas! Be Still…

They don’t go together well, do they? If I’m being honest with myself, I can’t characterize our American Christmas with words like stillness, peace or tranquility. The fact is, it’s a frenetically busy time with overwhelming social obligations. It gets so crazy that many things we would like to accomplish in December get pushed back … Read more

An Ordination-Inspired Reflection

I am suddenly struck with the reality that I’ve been mentoring Lusienie Fofana for over half a decade. It’s been over 6 years since that day when my eyes were opened to the potential that existed in our enthusiastic evangelist from Liberia, West Africa. First we just got together to talk Jesus. Then the conversation intensified when … Read more

A god by any other name…

“You shall have no other gods before me.” Those are the first words of instruction on how God wants His people to live. Closely following that instruction is some explanation. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth … Read more

Expanding the Lord’s Prayer

It sounds like scary stuff. We’re not supposed to take the word of God and “expand” it. It’s good enough by itself! I believe that’s true. What we need to understand is that the word of God isn’t the ink on the page or the pixel on the screen. It’s the meaning behind the word … Read more