Teaching Archives

A Lamb in the Throne Room

Sunday, April 10, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Revelation 7:1-4; 7:9-17; John 10:11-18 GodSpeak Readings: Scenes from Revelation  

The Church in War and Triumph (Godspeak Readings April 11-16)

Scenes from Revelation: The Church in War and Triumph Two very different scenes come into one in chapter 7.  First, the church in its constant struggle with sin and evil.  Second, the same church triumphant with Jesus in heaven. Daily Prayer: Jesus, keep me in the fight for truth and love while holding on to … Read more

A Letter from Jesus

Sunday, April 3, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Revelation 1:1-8; 2:1-7; John 15:9-17 GodSpeak Readings: Scenes from Revelation  

He is Risen

Sunday, March 27, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Isaiah 65:17-25; 1 Corinthians 15:19-26; Luke 24:1-12 GodSpeak Readings: Who is this Jesus? [divider_line] [one_half] Watch [/one_half][one_half_last] Listen [powerpress] Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes! [/one_half_last]

A Lamb in the Throne Room (GodSpeak April 4-9)

Scenes from Revelation – A Lamb in the Throne Room A lamb enters the throne room of God and the multitudes erupt in praise. Daily Prayer: Lamb of God, reign in my life that I might love like you.  Amen. Monday, April 4 Read Revelation 4:1-6a.  This isn’t a literal picture of God’s throne room, … Read more

A Letter From Jesus (GodSpeak Readings March 28-April 2)

Scenes from Revelation—A Letter from Jesus Imagine getting a letter from someone who had spoken with Jesus about your church! Daily Prayer: You are the Alpha and the Omega.  Help me understand your revelation.  Amen. Monday, March 28 Read Revelation 1:1-4.  Is this a revelation about Jesus or by Jesus?  Both?  What is the blessing … Read more

He Saves

Sunday, March 20, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Psalm 109:26-31; Philippians 2:5-11; John 12:12-19 GodSpeak Readings: Who is this Jesus? [divider_line] [one_half] Watch [/one_half][one_half_last] Listen [powerpress] Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes! [/one_half_last]

He is Love (Godspeak Readings March 21-26)

Who is this Jesus? – He is Love Walk with Jesus through his last week before his death and resurrection.  Daily Prayer: Thank you for loving us enough to die and rise for us. Amen. Monday, March 21 Read Luke 20:19-47.  How does Jesus demonstrate the kingdom of God through his answers to the questions … Read more

He Saves (GodSpeak Readings March 14-19)

Who is this Jesus? – He Saves It’s Palm Sunday week!  Jesus came to shouts of Hosanna to save us!  Daily Prayer: Jesus, teach me today to live in your salvation.  Amen. Monday, March 14 Read Matthew 21:1-17.  The word “hosanna” means “O save!”  How does the way Jesus enters Jerusalem speak to the way … Read more

He was Sent

Sunday, March 13, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Isaiah 43:16-21; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 20:9-20 GodSpeak Readings: Who is this Jesus? [divider_line] [one_half] Watch [/one_half][one_half_last] Listen [powerpress] Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes! [/one_half_last]